The Christian Church - Synod of Saint Timothy

The Synod of Saint Timothy is a body of faithful Christians, seeking to minister to the world through the Sacramental life and fraternal love that was evident in the ancient Church, while always putting the saving grace of Christ's atoning sacrifice first in our minds. We welcome you to our online blog.

Friday, June 03, 2005

THE THIRD WEEK OF GRACETIDE (Sunday, June 5, 2005)

3rd Sunday of Gracetide (Proper 1)

Theme: "Jesus Proclaims the Kingdom/Reign of God."

Prayer of the Day:
Gracious Father, your Son Jesus announced the last days through his proclamation of the coming of your kingdom. Open our minds and hearts to the power and guidance of your Spirit, who draws us unto the mind and heart of your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Corpus of Lectionary Citations:

Torah or History:
Deuteronomy 17:14-20
2 Samuel 7:8-17
1 Chronicles 17:10b-15

Psalm 145:1-13

Wisdom Writings:
Psalm 103:19-22
Psalm 146:1-4,10
Proverbs 8:13-17

Isaiah 9:1-7
Jeremiah 18:5-11
Daniel 4:19-27


Tobit 13:1-10

Apostolic Epistle:
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Colossians 1:9-14

Apostolic Account:
Acts 8:9-13
Revelation 5:6-14

Matthew 4:12-23
Mark 1:14-20
Luke 8:1-3

Readings Proposed for the Divine Liturgy:

Year A (2005)
Isaiah 9:1-7
Psalm 145:1-13
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Matthew 4:12-23

Year B (2006)
Jeremiah 18:5-11
Psalm 145:1-13
Colossians 1:9-14
Mark 1: 14-20

Year C (2007)
Daniel 4:19-27
Psalm 145:1-13
Acts 8:9-13
Luke 8:1-13