The Christian Church - Synod of Saint Timothy

The Synod of Saint Timothy is a body of faithful Christians, seeking to minister to the world through the Sacramental life and fraternal love that was evident in the ancient Church, while always putting the saving grace of Christ's atoning sacrifice first in our minds. We welcome you to our online blog.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Meditation on Today's Scriptures - May 20

From the Divine Liturgy of the Friday in Pentecost Week
First Reading: Acts 21: 27-40
Gospel Reading: John 17: 17-23

The High Priestly Prayer nears it's conclusion. Today, the matter of unity is at the heart of Jesus' prayer for his Church.

How much it must sadden our Lord that matters such as language and terminology have divided his holy bride, the Church. How much it must sadden him that we have handed over our imperishible inheritance for earthly battling and warring over insignificant things.

This is not to say that there are not truly serious theological differences among Christians, but our Lord most certainly wants us to be united with his prayer for our unity, that we might overcome our sinful divisions and begin the process of convergance and unity.

So often, I hear Christians yell out about how they won't have anything to do with people who are not of their denomination or jurisdiction. How will we ever come to an understanding of our separated brethren unless we talk, converse, and seek to understand?

How many people have been discouraged from joining the Body of Christ at the sight of our divisions?

How many convergences and healings have been derailed by individual whim, personal pomp, and ecclesiastical lunacy?

Will we, the people of God, begin seeking that godly unity, not comprimising the truth - but preaching the truth in love, that is in accordance with the High Priestly prayer of Jesus?

I pray that we will.

May God bless the reading and hearing of his holy Word.
