The Christian Church - Synod of Saint Timothy

The Synod of Saint Timothy is a body of faithful Christians, seeking to minister to the world through the Sacramental life and fraternal love that was evident in the ancient Church, while always putting the saving grace of Christ's atoning sacrifice first in our minds. We welcome you to our online blog.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Solemnity of Christmas

Please find posted below the proper for the Solemnity of Christmas, Sunday, 25 December 2005. On this holy day may the Lord bless the world with peace. Also, may the Lord bless you and your loved ones during this Christmastide and throughout the new year of grace.

Christmas: The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Prayer at Vigil / Midnight:
Gracious Father, on this holy night we recall your tender mercy as we celebrate the gift of your Son. Through the power of your Spirit, draw us into the mystery of your saving love, join our voices with the heavenly host, and grant us a place among the shepherds as we praise the One whose second coming we await. We ask this through your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer at Dawn:
Gracious Father, on this holy day we joyfully recall the dawn of your loving kindness and your tender compassion and the promise of eternal life. Fill us with wonder and awe as we celebrate the birth of your Son. May your Spirit inspire the witness of our lives to proclaim Jesus as the treasure of our hearts. We ask this through your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer during the Day:
Gracious Father, we are grateful for the privilege to gather together to commemorate the birth of your Son. Through the power of your Spirit, inspire our lips to offer songs of joyful praise and our hearts to give thanks for your countless blessings. We ask this through your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Corpus of Lectionary Citations:

Torah or History:

Exodus 24:16-18
1 Samuel 1:9-20
Psalm 98:1-3

Psalm 98:1-3

Psalm 96:1-6
Psalm 97:10-12

Isaiah 9:1-6
Isaiah 52:7-10
Isaiah 62:11-12

Tobit 5:10

Apostolic Epistle:
Titus 2:11-14
Titus 3:4-7
Hebrews 1:1-6

Apostolic Account:
Revelation 21:5-7
Revelation 21:9-11

Luke 2:1-20
John 1:14-18

Proposed Readings for the Divine Liturgy:

Years A, B, and C
Isaiah 9:1-6 (vigil / midnight); Isaiah 62:11-12 (dawn); Isaiah 52:7-10 (day)
Psalm 98:1-3
Titus 2:11-14 (vigil / mignight); Titus 3:4-7 (dawn); Hebrews 1:1-6 (day)
Luke 2:1-20 (vigil / midnight / dawn); John 1:14-18 (day)

Post-Communion Prayer:
Gracious Father, we are ever grateful for the gift of your incarnate Word. From this eucharist send us forth as joyful messengers of your saving goodness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.