Solemnity of Mary the Theotokos
This Christmastide, since we will celebrate the Presentation, Circumcision, and Holy Name of Jesus on Sunday, 1 January 2006, the Solemnity of Mary the Theotokos, usually celebrated on 1 January, transfers to the following day. Please find posted below the proper for this solemnity, this year to be celebrated on Monday, 2 January 2006. May the Lord bless you and those whom you love and serve during this Christmastide and throughout the new year of grace.
January 1: Mary the Theotokos
(this year transferred to Monday, 2 January 2006)
Almighty Father, we celebrate the witness of Mary the Theotokos, who was obedient to your call and gave birth to your Son, the Savior of the world. Supported by your Spirit, may we find joy in answering your call, strive for humility of heart, and, along with Mary, follow the light of your Son, your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Proposed Readings for the Divine Liturgy:
Years A, B, and C
1 Chronicles 15:2-4,15-16; 16:1-2
Psalm 67
Galatians 4:4-7
Luke 11:27-28 [alternative: Luke 1:46-55]
Post-Communion Prayer:
Gracious Father, we are ever grateful for the gift of your incarnate Word. From this eucharist send us forth as joyful messengers of your saving goodness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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