Eighth Sunday after Christmas
Kindly find posted below propers, one of which may be selected for liturgical use on the Eighth Sunday after Christmas, 19 February 2006. Also posted below are the rubrical principles pertaining to the use of the optional propers for the latter Sundays of Christmastide, i.e. those Sundays falling between the 5th Sunday after Christmas (Wedding at Cana) and the Last Sunday after Christmas (Transfiguration) in any given liturgical year. The propers for Christmastide 10-15 are still in preparation, anticipated to be ready for the publication of the final version of the lectionary to be included in our synodical Book of Common Prayer. May the Lord bless you and your loved ones throughout the remainder of Christmastide.
Christmastide 8: "The Cure of the Paralytic at Capernaum"
[or optional proper for latter Christmastide]
Almighty Father, your Spirit manifested your glory and led many to faith through the miracles of your Son. As we recall the cure of the paralytic at Capernaum, transform us through your Son's compassion and love, so that our lives may become inseparable from his. We ask this through your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Corpus of Lectionary Citations:
Torah or History:
Exodus 15:25b-26
Psalm 107:10-13
Psalm 6:1-4
Job 5:17-27
Isaiah 43:18-21
Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 43:1-5
Apostolic Epistle:
1 Peter 2:24
Apostolic Account:
Acts 8:4-8
Acts 9:32-35
Matthew 9:1-8
Mark 2:1-12
Luke 5:18-26
Proposed Readings for the Divine Liturgy:
Year A (2008)
Isaiah 43:18-25
Psalm 107:10-13
Acts 8:4-8
Matthew 9:1-8
Year B (2006)
Isaiah 43:18-25
Psalm 107:10-13
Acts 9:32-35
Mark 2:1-12
Year C (2007)
Isaiah 43:18-25
Psalm 107:10-13
Acts 8:4-8 or Acts 9:32-35
Luke 5:17-26
Post-Communion Prayer:
Gracious Father, we are ever grateful for the gift of your incarnate Word. From this eucharist send us forth to be joyful messengers of your saving goodness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Christmastide 9: "The Cure of the Man with a Shriveled Hand"
[or optional proper for latter Christmastide]
Almighty Father, your Spirit manifested your glory and led many to faith through the miracles of your Son. As we recall the cure of the man with a shriveled hand, transform us through your Son's compassion and love, so that our lives may become inseparable from his. We ask this through your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Corpus of Lectionary Citations:
Torah or History:
Exodus 22:25-27
2 Chronicles 30:7-9
Psalm 107:14-16
Psalm 40:1-5
Psalm 103:1-5,19-22
Isaiah 6:9-10
Jeremiah 17:14-15
2 Maccabees 10:1-8
Apostolic Epistle:
Colossians 1:24--2:3
Apostolic Account:
Acts 8:9-13
Matthew 12:9-13
Mark 3:1-6
Luke 5:17-26
Proposed Readings for the Divine Liturgy:
Year A (2008)
Exodus 22:25-27
Psalm 107:14-16
Acts 8:9-13
Matthew 12:9-13
Year B (2006)
2 Chronicles 30:7-9
Psalm 107:14-16
Acts 8:9-13
Mark 3:1-6
Year C (2007)
Isaiah 6:9-10
Psalm 107:14-16
Acts 8:9-13
Luke 5:17-26
Post-Communion Prayer:
Gracious Father, we are ever grateful for the gift of your incarnate Word. From this eucharist send us forth to be joyful messengers of your saving goodness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Rubrical Principles for the Latter Sundays of Christmastide
(1) This portion of the Christmastide lectionary is comprised of readings that focus on the gospel miracles occurring after the wedding at Cana and prior to the transfiguration of Jesus. These miracles constitute various epiphanies of the incarnate Word of God and thus are appropriately included in the spiritual reflections of the season of Christmas.
(2) As the number of available latter Christmastide propers exceeds the greatest possible number of Sundays that follow the Fifth Sunday after Christmas (Cana Sunday), the pastors of the local churches may select from the available propers of Christmastide 6-15 those propers needed to cover the Sundays between the 5th Sunday after Christmas (Cana Sunday) and the Last Sunday after Christmas (Transfiguration Sunday), in order to meet the perceived needs of their local churches.
(3) However, the latter Christmastide propers must be selected and utilized sequentially. For example, if in a given liturgical year there are only two Sundays between Cana Sunday and Transfiguration Sunday, and if the pastor should select the proper for Christmastide 8 for use on the Sixth Sunday after Christmas, then the propers for Christmastide 9-15 would be available for selection for the Seventh Sunday after Christmas.
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