The Christian Church - Synod of Saint Timothy

The Synod of Saint Timothy is a body of faithful Christians, seeking to minister to the world through the Sacramental life and fraternal love that was evident in the ancient Church, while always putting the saving grace of Christ's atoning sacrifice first in our minds. We welcome you to our online blog.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Propers for Advent

The following propers are proposed for our Sunday worship through Advent of the new year of grace. Kindly be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this post in order to obtain all of the Advent propers.

As the weather in our hemisphere grows colder, may the Lord's Spirit bring light and warmth to our hearts during this holy season. As we bustle about, scrambling to parties and gatherings or to purchase our gifts for those whose names are on our Christmas lists, may we never forget the One who emptied himself in order to become the Father's gift for our salvation. Jesus alone is the reason for this time of celebration, in which these days so many seem to have lost sight of the miracle of Emmanuel, the One who is "God-with-us" (cf. Matthew 1:23). Also, may we be quick and sensitive to recall among us the growing numbers of people for whom economic hardship will require choices between luxuries and essentials, perhaps even between essentials themselves. May the Lord renew within us the power of his grace so that our hearts will become places of welcome rest for his mercy, compassion, and abiding presence.

May the Lord bless you and your loved ones through this holy season of joyful anticipation of the coming Messiah.

+Mar Martin

1 Advent: "The Annunciation of John to Zechariah"
[3 December 2006]

Almighty Father, according to your plan your prophet John the Baptist prepared the way for the coming of your Son, the promised Messiah. Through your Spirit free us from doubt and despair, and help us to imitate Zechariah and Elizabeth in following your will to the glory of your name. We ask this through your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Corpus of Lectionary Citations:

Torah or History:
Numbers 11: 1-23
Numbers 11: 24-34

Psalm 85: 8-13

Job 6: 1-10
Psalm 59: 16-17

Isaiah 35: 1-10
Isaiah 40: 1-5
Jeremiah 16: 19-21
Jeremiah 42: 1-6

Esther Addition C, 13: 11-19
Baruch 5: 1-9

Apostolic Epistle:
Romans 4: 18-25
2 Corinthians 4: 7-15
1 Peter 1: 8-12

Apostolic Account:
Acts 2: 29-36
Revelation 2: 8-11

Matthew 21: 18-22
Mark 11: 20-25
Luke 1: 5-25

Proposed Readings for the Divine Liturgy:

Years A, B, and C
Isaiah 40: 1-5
Psalm 85: 8-13
1 Peter 1: 8-12
Luke 1: 5-25

Post-Communion Prayer:
Gracious Father, you have gathered us together as your people, who now await the glorious return of your Son. From this eucharist send us forth to invite others into this fellowship of faith, hope, and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

2 Advent: "The Annunciation of our Lord to Mary" [10 December 2006]

Almighty Father, by the power of your Spirit, your Son was incarnate of the Virgin Mary. By that same Spirit, inspire our lips and our lives to echo Mary's acceptance of your will, give us victory over our sins and failings, and help us with faith to run the race that you have set before us, as we await the glorious return of your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Corpus of Lectionary Citations:

Torah or History:
1 Samuel 1
1 Samuel 2

Psalm 40: 4-11

Psalm 109: 26-31
Psalm 113

Isaiah 7: 10-14
Isaiah 11: 6-10
Isaiah 11: 12-13]

Susanna 0: 1-56 (LXX, Daniel 13: 1-56)
Apostolic Epistle:
Galatians 4: 4-7

Apostolic Account:
Revelation 12: 1-6
Revelation 12: 13-17

Luke 1: 26-38

Proposed Readings for the Divine Liturgy:

Years A, B, and C
Isaiah 7: 10-14
Psalm 40: 4-11
Galatians 4: 4-7
Luke 1: 26-38

Post-Communion Prayer:
Gracious Father, you have gathered us together as your people, who now await the glorious return of your Son. From this eucharist send us forth to invite others into this fellowship of faith, hope, and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

3 Advent: "The Visitation of Mary and the Birth of John the Baptist" [17 December 2006]

Almighty Father, you blessed the barren womb of Elizabeth that she might give birth to John your prophet, and you chose the virgin Mary to be the mother of your Son. By your Spirit fill us with your grace, that we may follow the faithful examples of Elizabeth and Mary, patiently awaiting your kindness, accepting your will, and rejoicing in your abundant gifts. We ask this through your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Corpus of Lectionary Citations:

Torah or History:
Genesis 18: 1-15
Genesis 19: 1-26
Ruth 1: 1-18

Psalm 72: 1-7, 18-19

Psalm 65: 9-13
Psalm 106: 1-5

Isaiah 12: 2-6
Zephaniah 3: 14-17

Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)16: 17-25

Apostolic Epistle:
Romans 12: 9-13; 1 Peter 2: 9-10

Apostolic Account:
Acts 19: 11-22
Acts 27: 1-3

Luke 1: 39-45, 57-66

Proposed Readings for the Divine Liturgy:

Years A, B, and C
Genesis 18: 1-15
Psalm 72: 1-7,18-19
1 Peter 2: 9-10
Luke 1: 39-45, 57-66

Post-Communion Prayer:
Gracious Father, you have gathered us together as your people, who now await the glorious return of your Son. From this eucharist send us forth to invite others into this fellowship of faith, hope, and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

4 Advent: "The Annunciation of our Lord to Joseph" [24 December 2006]

Almighty Father, by the message of an angel, you inspired faith in your servant Joseph, that he might become the spouse of the virgin Mary and the guardian of your Son. By your Spirit inspire in us the courage of Joseph, that we may be ever willing to undertake the works of our faith and to trust in the grace that you have shared with us. We ask this through your incarnate Word, Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Corpus of Lectionary Citations:

Torah or History:
Genesis 49: 8-10
Numbers 24: 15-19

Psalm 96: 1-6

Psalm 80: 14-19; Song of Songs 6: 9-10

Isaiah 2: 2-4; Isaiah 25: 6-10; Isaiah 29: 17-2; Micah 5: 1-4

2 Maccabees 10: 1-8

Apostolic Epistle:
Romans 16: 25-27; 1 Corinthians 4:5

Apostolic Account:
Revelation 2: 24-29
Revelation 12: 1-6

Matthew 1: 18-25

Proposed Readings for the Divine Liturgy:

Years A, B, and C
Isaiah 2: 2-4
Psalm 96: 1-6
Romans 16: 25-27
Matthew 1: 18-25

Post-Communion Prayer:
Gracious Father, you have gathered us together as your people, who now await the glorious return of your Son. From this eucharist send us forth to invite others into this fellowship of faith, hope, and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.